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Health professionals .

"Initiation into the management of burns"

day pack for healthcare professionals  

5 hours theory + 3 hours of practice with concrete cases and simulation-based workshops

Are you likely to be consulted for burns?

In order to enable you to act in the most appropriate way, ARDEAT continuing education programs offer "tailor-made" programs to healthcare professionals such as:

  • Nurses or ASSC at home, emergency room, schools or businesses.

  • Pharmacists, pharmacy assistants .

  • Practicing doctors and emergency doctors.

  • Pediatricians .

  • Paramedics .

  • Students in the field of health.

  • ...

The courses are given in French and are available throughout Europe.

Approved by :

- Federation of Swiss Pharmacists (FPH): 50 points.

- Swiss Society for Occupational Safety (SSST): 2 Continuing Education Units.

Prochaine formation:
mercredi 11 octobre 2023
Nombre de place limité!

Public: professionnels de santé
Horaire: 8h à 17h30
Lieu: Morges
Certification : certificat SSST 2UFC
Nombre de participants: maximum 12 par jour
Prix: CHF 550.- par participant
Inscription: formulaire ci-dessous




To register for ARDEAT training, please take the time to complete the information below.

Information COVID-19 : lors de toutes les présentations, les gestes barrières et les mesures dictées par le Conseil Fédéral sont respectées. Pour les ateliers pratiques, le port du masque est demandé.

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